Top 10 Tips for Healing Your Love

Top 10 Tips for Healing Your Love

by Wendy Strgar, Good  Clean Love, Inc.


Recognizing that our relationships are our most gentle teachers in  life  is a great way to approach the work involved in staying with  them. We too  often don’t value and trust the huge amounts of resources  that we have invested  into them and are too willing to dispose of them  before really digging into the  work before us. While some relationships  were a bad idea from the day they  started, the majority are actually  perfectly designed to help us grow into the  best people we can be. I  have been sharing these love tips for years and  consistently hear back  from our friends and customers that doing the work of  love rewards them  in ways they couldn’t have imagined. Remember that often the  feeling  of hitting the wall in love lives in us only moments before a   breakthrough that gives meaning to our promises. Make this New Year full  of  love.


1.  The truth is that intimacy begets  intimacy. Studies support  the strong correlation between a happy  relationship and the frequency of  sex. Sexual intimacy acts as the glue in  long-term relationships, like  pouring cement into a foundation inspiring  a deep union that paves the way for  more emotional closeness and richer  communication.


2.  Communication issues are often at the heart of a relationship   impasse. This is because we all mistakenly believe that we can tell  someone how  things are. Truly successful communication actually takes  place in  listening. Listening is such a powerful form of communication  that  most people cannot tell it apart from feeling loved.


3.  It is easy for couples to confuse co-existing with truly showing  up  for each other. They appear the same when we grow accustomed to not   allowing ourselves to need and be needed. Co-existing doesn’t have any  of  the stickiness factors that showing up does because it happens out of  habit,  not choice. Truly showing up translates into the safety that you  bring to every  other part of your relationship.


4.  You are what you love, not what loves you back. This is a   profoundly freeing recognition that allows you to experience the depth  and  breadth of your capacity for love. It is a literal revolution for  your  heart to open up to the most instructive emotional experience we  are capable  of. Emotional intelligence develops in us with our capacity  to love. No  one can take that from any of us and love teaches without  the need for  reciprocity.


5.  Relationships can only move forward when both people have two  feet  in. You don’t ever really get to see what your relationship can  become if you  or your partner keep one foot out the door.  It is an  entirely different  relationship when both partners are engaged and  really committed to  making their promises work, one that you can’t even  imagine when you are  holding the door ajar with one foot.


6.  Take responsibility for your erotic self.  No one else can heal  it or make it work. Begin with getting to know your pleasure   anatomy. Freud once famously commented, “The only thing about   masturbation to be ashamed of is doing it badly.” Learning about your  own  pleasure response and charting a map to your own orgasm is  empowering and will  open you to couples pleasure like nothing else.


7.  Your feelings should not be allowed to define your   story. Feelings are like weather systems that provide fertile  information  for your life, but they are too changeable and impermanent  to trust as a  compass for what you are doing in your  relationships. Sometimes the most  challenging work in a relationship is  the very thing needed to strengthen the  resolve in your capacity to  love.


8.  Your attention is the most powerful change agent you can bring  to  your relationships. Consider how you attend to the details of your   financial life, or your career path- your intimate relationships deserve  at  least that much of your daily attention. They will not thrive  without the  consistency and patience that all growth requires.


9.  Introduce the required physical conversation into your   relationship. Stop talking about it and let your body’s wisdom lead you   into a language of touch that often has the power to communicate what is  behind  the words. A physical, but not necessarily sexual conversation  is the open  door to a more emotionally connected relationship.


10.  Your thoughts are the blueprint for your relationship. Your   partner knows what you are thinking, even when you don’t say it. We  often  take ourselves and our relationships too seriously or worse still,  hold them  hostage to our unspoken doubts. Try for a little levity and  lean more  heavily on our innate capacity for kindness. Cultivate  thoughts that bring  you closer to the relationship you envision and  vigilantly weed out the ones  that don’t.


If you’d like to download these tips, please partake in this free PDF file.

Wendy Strgar

Wendy Strgar is a loveologist who writes and lectures on Making Love  Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which teaches the importance of  valuing the renewable resources of love and family. Wendy helps couples tackle  the questions and concerns of intimacy and relationships, providing honest  answers and advice. Wendy lives in Eugene, OR with her husband, a psychiatrist,  and their four children.



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